What inspires you?

Nature, laughter, pouty toddler faces, little hands and toes, dirty faces, looks of love, flowing water. These are a few of the things that inspire me.

The children, familes and couples I work with daily inspires me. I am a mother, a Clinical Social Worker and a photographer. I enjoy forming relationships. I like to help other people find their passion, joys and peace.
It's what I do, whether I am behind the camera, at my day job, or being a mom and a wife. I am a passionate person who puts 110% of myself into everything I do.

I am inspired every day to make eternal memories out of the everyday moments of our life that in a week, a month, or a year, we may forget. I am inspired to turn these memories into moments, and these moments into Art.

I love to see the joy and smile on a person's face when they see those they love captured for eternity in their natural surroundings. I am inspired on a daily basis to find the beauty and passion behind those candid, everyday moments and to present them in a way that moves and inspires your soul.

Photography found me when I was young and impressionable. It is a brief love affair when you are school age and your sole ability to take pictures requires you to pretend with your father's old Canon SLR. Where what really entralls you is the feel and sound of the shutter, and advancing the film.

Later in life, I found photography. It was after my daughter was born. She inspired me to purchase my first SLR film camera, and that was when my passionate love affair with photography really started. My children have inspired me to learn, study and practice my craft. They have inspired me to share my passion and love of custom photography with my friends and my family.

I enjoy creating a custom, private and relaxed atmosphere, to capture those candid moments. I will help direct, but it is never about being filled with stuffy poses. There will be lots of talking, laughing and just being "you"!

I enjoy the post processing experience where I turn photographs into pieces of Art. I personally edit, and re-touch every image I shoot.

What inspires you?